Latest insights on professional identity and career belonging in the modern workforce
What is a hybrid professional?
The Definitive Guide
Three activities to activate professional identity conversations on your team
Triggers of a professional identity crisis
Multipotentialite versus hybrid professional identity
7 Big Lessons From My Self-Discovery Journey
I believe anyone going on a self-discovery quest needs to have at least a week to allow the body, mind, and emotions to go through natural cycles of healing and rest before insights and transformative experiences can arise. It's a process after all.
Self discovery: A guide to finding yourself
The purpose of a self-rediscovery quest is to come to a new level of union with self, without feeling cluttered and distracted by outside influences.
Unhealthy attachments
Let go of your unhealthy work identity attachments to move forward in your career
What does juxtaposition mean?
Juxtaposition is when two or more things placed together create contrast and have an interesting effect. What few people realize is that juxtaposition is a powerful weapon in making your professional identity more powerful and making you more attractive in your career prospects.
Find the hidden doorways between your professional identities
How do we find the access points that allow us to move between our different professional identities, and therefore hybridize ourselves?
Your network impacts your professional identity clarity
Your developmental network is the people in your life who are actively and currently (sometime in the last year) supporting or advising you about your professional goals or career in some capacity.
Be the full constellation of YOU
Awakening to our hybrid professional identity is when we own the constellation of our multiple professional selves.
How to reinvent yourself
When we're faced with life challenges, we question our values and belief systems. These moments trigger internal unrest, self-examination, and existentialism.