Jobs of the Future 2025

Thanks to the pace of change (and the impact of COVID) there has been a 60% increase in job titles related to the #futureofwork and a 304% explosion in titles that reference “hybrid work”.

So what do you think the most popular job titles of the future will be?

The New Frontier of Work

I vote for the new frontier of work (a major career paradigm shift we're all in the midst of and can't see the forest through the trees yet). This new frontier is where we use greater customization, authenticity, and specificity in WHAT WE CALL OURSELVES. 

IMHO, job titles are dead. They are meaningless, arbitrary labels that pretend to portray hierarchy, reputational capital and external validation. 

Nobody knows what titles mean anymore.

Yesterday, I saw a post about the title "Head of Growth" because that same phrase is used by many companies, and yet the role is different in every single one of them. 

There is no shared definition, and that's okay, but let's not pretend that titles mean anything anymore except that they confuse us when we use the same words and mean different things. (Same goes for "hybrid work" the interpretation of that is quite varied).

The Future Is About Creating Your Unique Professional Identity

Instead, I see a future workforce where each person leans into their own professional identity--  we need to name own uniqueness, and OWN it. 

I invented my own professional title to define myself. I call myself a Creative Disruptor because that captures me better than any title I've been given. I also have a solid rationale and definition of why I call myself that, which is supported by my work history, job experiences and skills. 

For people like me, who have a winding career path, I look like a job hopper. I've found that I work between disciplines and don’t conform to traditional work identities. Because I work at the intersection of being an artist, designer, educator, and researcher, I call myself a Creative Disruptor. That is the through line that conveys my past and future value add to a company.


What does juxtaposition mean?


Find the hidden doorways between your professional identities