“In discussing the power of hybrid professionals, Sarabeth is drawing a clear picture of the professionals of the future!”
“My guess is that the intersection of two or more professional identities might reveal a person’s true identity. After all, professional identities are social constructs. They don’t emanate from nature. By challenging them, as hybrids do, we show their limits and open the way for new possibilities.”
Michelle: Conscious Evolutionary Designer
“The results have been pretty magical. I felt like an alien the first time I called myself a Conscious Evolutionary Designer. Then I met a woman who it deeply resonated with, kismet! Now, when I get asked what I do for work, people's ears perk up, they ask me to repeat myself because they want to know more. It's working!”
Susannah: Process Illuminator
“Beyond the job search, I find that unearthing my identities has helped with my self-awareness. It makes me want to understand my unique gifts better rather than taking them for granted. I really love how Sarabeth uses the Venn diagram to find identity, and how she provided great examples of questions to ask to be more concise.”
Adam: Founder/ Creative Director, Vicarel Studios
“Thankful for meeting Sarabeth. Our conversation had a huge impact on how I ultimately chose to rebrand and reposition Vicarel Studios...When we first met, I'd been struggling to articulate this notion [of being a hybrid] for years. It was her succinct explanations that helped me bridge the gap. Or, at the very least, gave me the vernacular to speak more intentionally and directly to what/how/why I do what I do.”
Bruno: Communication Catalyst
“Sarabeth’s book and techniques GREATLY contributed to my success in finding and accepting a new role, as it was through her suggestions and approach that I managed to consolidate all my previous work experience into a transferrable, marketable package. I am extremely grateful for Sarabeth’s insights and guidance.”
Kim: Methodical Weaver of Wonder
“What Sarabeth does is absolutely fundamental for rooting into your professional identity and taking control of your career. When I met Sarabeth, I thought I was burned out. I was actually having a professional identity crisis. For years, when asked what I did, I answered with a generic job title. I didn’t know how to tell my whole story. Sarabeth helped me strip away the layers of limiting labels, and identify the core of who I am when I am working at the intersection of my strongest attributes. Suddenly all the facets of my professional identity came together in the middle of that Venn diagram, and dormant, un-tapped value emerged center stage.
This gift of clarity has given me permission - no, authority - to fully show up in my work. I’m accessing new levels of energy, focus, and engagement because I’m intentionally creating work and serving others from my whole self.
Working with Sarabeth helped me align who I am with what I do, and launched me on a more authentic career path. I’m beyond grateful.”
Christine: Career Services Advisor
“Identity leads to your passion and purpose. I felt that was such a mind blowing and comforting concept at the same time. And I can bring my full self to a job and I don't have to leave behind or hide parts of my identity. It's been really liberating and freeing.”
Valerie: Possibility Peeler
“The simple act of creating this little Venn diagram and bringing to life the Possibility Peeler has created a long lost synergy in my life. My challenge is I haven't been living in my full identity, constantly feeling the pull and tug between the "marketer" and the "empath"--living a dual business card and struggling to find a "balance" between the two. What I've come to realize is that it's not the balance between the two that I'm seeking, it's the bigger why. Drawing that third circle of strategist/ leader/ co-creator brings to light the Possibility Peeler. This gave me permission to live from the bigger why. All of a sudden what was a struggle to balance two opposite things became easier. I get it, now!!!!
Catherine: Storyteller, Strategist, Designer
“This method is helping me rebrand as I dive back into consulting. I've found that branding myself as a hybrid professional was soooo helpful for a recent interview process, and I landed the gig!”