
Latest insights on professional identity and career belonging in the modern workforce


What is a hybrid professional?
The Definitive Guide


Three activities to activate professional identity conversations on your team


Triggers of a professional identity crisis


Multipotentialite versus hybrid professional identity


Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

Creative Job Titles

Each person has a hybrid title that differentiates them, catches your attention, makes you more curious to read on, and helps you see them for their wholeness!

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

THIS is hybridity in action! Meow Wolf Denver

Quite literally, Meow Wolf is hard to define, describe, and put into a words because it represents hybridity at its finest. Meow Wolf collides genres, senses, spaces, and time together. Literally, Denver's Convergence Station collapses time and transports you through multiple dimensions. This is hybridity in action.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

Your career will last 80,000 hours

If we have 80,000 hours to spend in our career, there's a high chance we're going to try on or evolve into multiple professional identities across that time span, and it's unlikely it will be a linear progression.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

What drives me crazy, entrepreneurs who think they're hybrid professionals

Not every entrepreneur is a hybrid professional (just because they think they are). If an entrepreneur is doing marketing, sales, product development, business development, operations, accounting, graphic design, and countless other jobs, that doesn't mean they call themselves a marketer, salesperson, product developer, operator, graphic get the point.

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