
Latest insights on professional identity and career belonging in the modern workforce


What is a hybrid professional?
The Definitive Guide


Three activities to activate professional identity conversations on your team


Triggers of a professional identity crisis


Multipotentialite versus hybrid professional identity


Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

The BIGGEST mistake to avoid before you update your resume—Don’t do this one thing

The major mistake professionals make who are on the job hunt is jumping straight into resume updates. Of course, you’ll need to polish all of your resume sections eventually, except you’re skipping a really key step if you go straight to this. And, most career advisors and resume writers don’t talk about this step even though they’re helping you do it! Instead of starting with your resume, do this.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

If you're a hybrid, what's your expertise?

“If I’m a hybrid professional, what am I an expert in?” It’s a legitimate question because it sounds hypocritical to say you need to find your expertise but you can also be good at everything. I promise, you can be both, and here’s how.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

What's the difference between having multiple work identities and being a hybrid professional?

There’s a distinction between possessing multiple work identities and being a hybrid professional. From the outset, the terms may sound interchangeable, yet they represent two different concepts and ways of working. Just because a person does marketing, sales, product development, event planning, and social media in their job—portraying they have multiple work identities—doesn’t mean they’re a hybrid professional.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

5 Ways Job Posts Seek Hybrid Professionals

Hybrid work is on the rise, so start noticing it on job boards! Postings seeking hybrid professionals are appearing in more search results, but do you know how to spot them? It’s important to understand what to look for and how there are different clues embedded within job descriptions that signal this is a job for a hybrid professional.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

Hybrid Interviews: Top 5 ways to showcase your hybridity and standout from the crowd

Here are my five tried and true tips for showcasing hybridity during the interview process to: a) differentiate yourself from the competition, b) leverage your “multiple identities” as a strength and not a weakness, and c) help others (i.e. employers) quickly make sense of why you’re bringing more to the table then what they expected.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

Crafting The Hybrid Resume

We want employers to see us the way we see ourselves. If we come across as a list of generic job titles or disparate roles, employers won’t understand us. Our true value won’t leap off the page. This is the problem hybrids face when we’re capable of doing so many things.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

Who are hybrid professionals? #BlackLivesMatter

Hybrid professionals exist everywhere, in all sectors and across all demographics. To notice how hybridity has entered into and influences our workplaces, work culture, values, and professional identity, it’s important to hear stories about hybrids in all spaces.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

Is it a privilege to be a hybrid professional?

Intersectionality argues that you can’t separate a person into parts. You have to look at how race, class, and gender (and a host of other identities) interconnect to form the entire picture of a person’s lived experience. This concept was revolutionary to me at first, and then obvious once I saw it.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

Book List For and About Hybrid Professionals

Wondering what books inform my thinking about hybrid professionals? Well, if you're curious about this topic and want to read more about the changing landscape of professional identity, check these out:

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

Three Types of Professional Identity

But, professional identity is actually a spectrum. You don’t have to be one thing, or one thing at a time, or even a list of things. It’s possible to be multiple identities at the same time.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

Becoming the Director of Futurebound- My Latest Hybrid Role

The plight of being a hybrid professional is that you need career opportunities where you can integrate, instead of segregate, your professional identities together, making it difficult to find roles where you won’t be pigeon holed as one thing.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

Own Your Hybrid Professional Identities

Instead of being a string of past roles and responsibilities, hybrids are masters of combining multiple professional identities together into a robust recipe.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

Hybrids Professionals Do What They Love

Hybrids are masterful at finding ways to crossover and “hybridize” their work so that there’s a bit of what they love mixed into their daily grind.

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Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton Dr. Sarabeth Berk Bickerton

What is a hybrid professional? The Definitive Guide

A hybrid professional is a worker who integrates multiple professional identities together and works at the intersections. Their value add lies in the intersections of who they are.

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